V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another

V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another

V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another

Download V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another Free

V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another

- Express a change from one state to another, regardless of the will of the subject = became, came to do/be something, been decided

Word conversion:
Verb 게 + 되었어요
가다 --> 가게 되었어요
보다 --> 보게 되었어요
마시다 -->마시게 되었어요
살다 --> 살게 되었어요
먹다 --> 먹게 되었어요
알다 --> 알게 되었어요

1. 요리를 잘하게 되었어요.
I became good at cooking.

2. 축구를 좋아하게 되었어요.
I came to like football.

3. 외국으로 출장을 가게 됐어요.
(It's been decided) I will go abroad on a business trip.

4. 옛날에는 축구를 싫는데 남자 친국가 생기고 나서부터 축구를 좋아하게 되었어요.
I used to dislike football, but after dating with my boyfriend, I came to like football.

5. 출장을 가기 싫었는데 사장님의 명령 떼문에 출장을 가게 되었어요.
I didn't want to go on business trip, but it's my boss order, so I had to go.

6. 술을 잘 마셨는데 결혼 후에는 술을 안 마시게 되었어요.
I used to drink alcohol well, but after getting married, I came to not drink alcohol.

7. 아이를 낳은 후에 일찍 자게 되었어요.
After having a baby, I came to sleep early.

8. 한국 드라마를 많이 본 후에 한국어를 좋아하게 되었어요.
After watching many Korean dramas, I came to like Korean.

9. 직장 때문에 내년부터 2년 동안 서울에 살게 되었어요. (It has been decided) I will live in Seoul for 2 years from next year because of my job.

10. 코로나 바이러스 때문에 많은 식당이 문을 닫게 되었어요. Many restaurants came to close because of Covid19.

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